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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Performance management system

Performance Management is a participatory system , by which the individual’s performance is planned at the begibnning of the year, guided and monitoried troughout the year and evaluated and rewarded the best performers at end of the year. The purpose of this article is to elleviate confusions between performance management and performance  appraisal/evaluation.
The objective of performance management system are as follows:]
1.       Articulate performance expectations of supervisor and monitor progress
2.       Support employee development
3.       Ensure ongoing two-way communication
4.       Provide basis formerit increases

The performance management deals with the year round performance of the employees. It has three components. They are:
ü  Performance planning
ü  Managing / ongoing monitoring
ü  Performance appraisal

Performance planning:
Both supervisor and employee negotiate theexpected future perofrmance for one year. This planning should focus on result through undertaken numerous activities. The measuring crieteria forachievement should also set at time of planning in order to avoid any future disagreements.
Managing / ongoing monitoring:
Once the performance planning is completed than it becomes daily process of working towardsn the performance expectation established in the planning stage. Boss and employee should have a regular review of the progress of the achievements. During review, boss should have appreciate for good performance and coach/mentor for improving trouble spots.
Performance appraisal:
This is the final stage of performance appraisal process, which provides opportunity to step back from day to day activities, assess performance trends and plan for future. The appraisals also becomes a solid basis for planning the performance for next year.

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